Three Drawings of the Janowska Concentration Camp by Zeev Porath, 1943



Document Text

  1. English
Text from page1

/during the day/

'Inspection' of the Willhaus camp prisoners´ brigade accompanied by an orchestra

Zeev Porath

Text from page2

A passage through 'Frauenlager' [Women's Camp] to the execution square. Children and women hiding under the barracks...

Zeev Porath

Text from page3

'Dance of the rabbis'in the morning when the brigade is leaving for work... (April 1943)

Zeev Porath


  • Updated 5 years ago
The territory of what is today the State of Israel was part of British-ruled Palestine between 1933 and 1945. When Hitler rose to power in Germany, some 60,000 Jews emigrated from the Third Reich to Palestine, while about 220,000 moved there from other countries. Before the British victory at El Alamein in Egypt in November 1942, the British feared that Palestine, like its neighbors, would be invaded by the German forces advancing from North Africa in an eastern direction. During 1942, news of t...

Beit Lohamei Haghetaot Archives/ בית לוחמי הגטאות

  • GFH Archives
  • The Ghetto Fighters' House Archives
  • Israel
  • The Ghetto Fighters' HouseBeit Lohamei Haghetaot
  • Updated 1 month ago
Dieser Bestand enthält Quellen zum Leben von Simon Wiesenthal, darunter persönliche Unterlagen, seine Arbeit als Schriftsteller und Publizist sowie sein Engagement in verschiedenen Menschenrechtsinitiativen und -institutionen.